±1±: Now is the time Meade Deep Sky Imager RGB Color Filter Set for DSI PRO, DSI PRO II and DSI PRO III Order Today!
Nice Design by : Meade
Over All Rating Reviews :
Great Deal : $98.99
Date Created : May 25, 2010 13:00:04
The user-friendly astrophotography revolution continues. Introducing the new DSI II. It combines ease-of-use with a larger chip, greater sensitivity, higher resolution, and dramatically lower thermal noise. Meade engineers have invented a remarkable new way to reduce noise without a cooler. This means you can take exposures for hours at a time. And the new thermal monitoring sensors automatically match your dark frames to ambient temperature so it’s nearly impossible to take an un-calibrated picture. The software includes a new zoom feature for easier focusing and the squared pixels of the new larger chip make processing simpler and images more beautiful than ever. The DSI II is the world’s first un-cooled camera with low thermal noise. The Deep Sky Imager II boasts a 1/2-Inch Color Sony CCD sensor. The Deep Sky Imager PRO II has a 1/2-Inch Monochrome Sony CCD sensor. Achieve fast one-shot color images with the Deep Sky Imager II. With the greater sensitivity of the monochrome chip, go deeper with the Deep Sky Imager PRO II, and achieve greater detail with the CCD color filter set. High Sensitivity (1/2-Inch) CCD Sensor from Sony.
±1±: Now is the time Meade Piggyback Bracket For 16-Inch LX200 Order Today!
Nice Design by : Meade
Over All Rating Reviews :
Great Deal : $69.00
Date Created : May 15, 2010 00:30:33
For 16-Inch LX200. Take your camera for a ride. Piggyback photography is a popular and easy way to get started in astrophotography. This bracket lets you attach your camera (with lens) atop any Meade LX90 or LX200. Polar align your scope in equatorial mode, use your scope to guide, and take beautiful wide-field photos of the Milky Way and other regions.